Crystal Palace Park Trust

Crystal Palace Park Trust

We’re an independent, community-led charity. It’s your park, and with your support we can give it a vibrant and sustainable future.

About the Trust

Formed in 2016
Incorporated in 2018
Registered as a charity in 2021


Governed by a Board of Trustees
Runs a wholly owned trading subsidiary (Crystal Palace Park Events Limited)
See our Annual Reports

Photo © Andrew Close

On 15 September 2023 the Trust became the park’s custodian, taking over this responsibility from the London Borough of Bromley. We are devoted to its long-term maintenance and improvement as a vibrant ecological, recreational and historic resource.

Our mission

We will protect, manage and improve Crystal Palace Park as a green, open, historic, ecological, recreational, sporting, cultural and educational resource in the interests of the community and other Park users.

About the Trust

Formed in 2016
Incorporated in 2018
Registered as a charity in 2021


Governed by a Board of Trustees
Runs a wholly owned trading subsidiary (Crystal Palace Park Events Limited)
See our Annual Reports

Photo © Andrew Close