The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.The Transmitter seen across the park on a sunny day with blue sky. Photo credit Liz Isles Photography.

It's our first birthday!

It's our first birthday!

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We can’t quite believe it but it’s been twelve months since Crystal Palace Park Trust became the new custodian of this incredible park, on 15 September 2023, via a 125-year head-lease from the London Borough of Bromley.


Photo by Liz Isles Photography

Crystal Palace Park Trust became the new custodian of the park on 15 September 2023.

The take-over was a historic moment for the local community who had been campaigning for decades for a brighter future for this much-loved local park and internationally-significant historic landscape.

Our first year of running this 200-acre park that receives over 1,000,000 visits a year has been a busy one. There have been a lot of highlights this year and we’ve shared some of our favourites below. But of course, we haven't been able to tackle all the improvements the park so badly needs, or gotten everything right, quite yet. We are grateful to everyone who has taken the time to contact us and raise issues they’ve spotted - your feedback is incredibly important to us. 

It's also important to recognise that while one year is a major milestone for the Trust, it is just a small moment in the long history of this remarkable park which celebrated its own 170th birthday this year. Over the coming years, we’re looking forward to steadily working towards the vision of making Crystal Palace Park an outstanding modern Park for London; one that is welcoming, safe and accessible for all, both now and for many more generations to come. 

We also know that so many people are passionate about the future of this park and in particular would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to our many friends and supporters in the local community who have helped us by sharing their time, skills and opinions (and a special shout out to the incredible ‘Friends’ of’ groups); we wouldn't be where we are without you. 

With thanks to all who love the park as much as we do - we hope you enjoy your next visit.


The Crystal Palace Park Trust team


Photo by Liz Isles Photography

Crystal Palace Park Trust became the new custodian of the park on 15 September 2023.

A look back over the last 12 months

  • Over 5,000 people joined us for the celebratory Garden Party to mark the historic handover day on 15 September 2023 in the Bowl. The performers and audience were able to use the Concert Platform stage which, after years of dereliction, was restored thanks to works made possible by a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign, backed by the Mayor of London.
  • The park has welcomed approximately 1,000,000 visitors and for 365 days of the year our new grounds maintenance team has emptied litter bins, cleared paths, cleaned the public toilets, dealt with unsafe trees, removed graffiti, filled potholes, trimmed the grass where people sit or play spots (and left it long in other places to encourage biodiversity) and cut back overgrown vegetation. 
  • 150,000 people enjoyed world-class acts on the Italian Terraces and in the Concert Bowl during the summer festival season with performers including Skepta, Grace Jones, Bloc Party, The National, The Roots, De La Soul, The Streets, and two generations of the Marley family (following in Bob's footsteps in the park).
  • Over 4,000 people took part in free to access programming for local residents. There was something for everyone (and every season, come rain or shine) including live music performance on the Concert Platform as part of Sunday Sounds, forest bathing and yoga on the Concert Platform for Winter Wellbeing, a dinosaur-themed Easter egg hunt during Spring Tales, or bubble football, circus skills and archery for the Summer of Play
  • We worked closely with the London Borough of Bromley on the next phases of the regeneration plan and gained full planning consent for the £17.75m of works due to start in early 2025. Plans include: a new dinosaur-themed playground designed in consultation with local children and a new Visitor Centre, as well as major restoration works to the Dinosaurs and Italian Terraces. Thanks to everyone who participated in consultation days and visitor surveys to support the development of the plans.
  • And just in time for our birthday... we took custodianship of the newly restored Victorian masterpiece, the Crystal Palace Subway! We can't wait to start bringing the Subway back to life over the coming months and years. With huge thanks to the Friends of the Crystal Palace Subway and the many, many people in the local area who championed this project for 14 years, along with donors, Historic England and the Strategic Investment Pot.